Shi Ning
Biimrock’s new exhibition is a clear and better example of this artist true artistic heart and soul. Unlike in his first exhibition which was represented by a number of works that were of a more plain quality, his new exhibition is marked by a depth of emotion not seen in him before.
The pieces of this new work were shipped individually to the gallery which showed a flow of his emotional growth through his works. Some of the works that really moved me were his paintings “Night”, “Ruin” and “Cold rain” which in my opinion are the key works of this exhibition.
In the work “Hello, Picasso” reminds me of the War of Laoshan and an article I recently read about this war and the veteran’s called “A lifetime of War.” The article talked about the soldiers and the experiences that they went through during and after the war. As I looked at this painting I was struck with the depth of memory from this article and history which gave me feeling of connection, and to quote one of the surviving soldiers of that war “I miss the purity of connection with my brothers and I miss the completeness that feeling gave me.” Personally I feel the painting would be better named “Brothers in Arms.”
When I first viewed the painting “Night” it reminded me greatly about my own youth and that of my friends also and how we used to live as well as our friends. The room in the painting is a common room to young people who are just starting out in their lives, which we are all familiar with. I personally call this painting “Reflections of the Cruelties of Youth.” This painting reminded me of a story of my life: An artist friend of mine had asked me to help him do something I agreed but told him that he needed to meet me at Lido. He told me he could not meet me because he had to stay at his studio until 5pm. This shocked me that he showed so much dedication especially since he had no boss or time card to lash him to work. His dedication paid off and this same painter is now famous. In Biimrock’s comments for this exhibition has stated he understands himself more deeply knowing that his core is defined by painting and that it will be the driving force for the rest of his life. I am happy to say that in his 30th year of life I can see his dedication and focus on a clear life path.
In his painting “Ruin” the amount of detail and work that was put into this painting show the amount of painstaking work and detail that this young artist uses to express the depths of his emotions. Great works come from suffering and from the suffering we can find happiness when it results in something great.
“Cold Rain” in my opinion is the most emotionally laden piece in this exhibition. The rainfall in this painting reminds me of the movie “Hero”. In the beginning of the movie we see two Kung Fu Masters facing off against each other which show their skills with the fluidity and summitry that can only be achieved by a master of a skill. The head in the picture shows a different point of view for me: showing peace and harmony in the middle of destruction. When we received this painting my first thought was about the best place to display this work in the gallery.
A common theme in all of Biimrock’s works represents nature in all his works and I wanted to ask him why but I decided not because I wanted to maintain the mystery of his works.
Some people are more concerned with the techniques of an artist, but myself I am more concerned with the feelings that the painting expresses to me. So the most important factor in looking for art is the emotions that the art expresses to me.
These new paintings of Biimrock have filled me with the drive to write this article about his new works. Writing is my personal form of artistic expression.
This year is Biimrock’s 30th year and he is showing his best works to date, and this brings to mind the old saying “God helps those who help themselves”. So I would like to wish him a successful exhibition and a golden future.